Curated by Walter Guadagnini & Flaminio Gualdoni
Title: Primo Lavoro
Author: Francesco Jodice & Nanni Valentini
Format: 165 x 240 mm.
Feautures: 76 pages, 24 color plates, , soft cover
Edition: 300 copies (30 have an original print 24 x 15cm)

The book is a parallel between photography and terracotta sculptures. The artist Francesco Jodice decided to start from the body of works left by Nanny Valentini.
[…] while studying Valentini’s works and writing I was struck by what he said about his “First work”. I thought about this exhibition in the company of a deceased artist not as a complementary work but as a continuation. I tried to imagine what Valenini would have done today […] Francesco Jodice

Galleria Bianconi

Graphic Concept